
Need a little help to get your 2025 Fringe dreams into orbit?

Learn more about our Fringe Fund Grants here, or find further grant opportunities below.

Table of Contents

Below is an up-to-date list of grants that are available now - 


Awesome Foundation

The Awesome Foundation is microphilanthropy in action. Ten people contribute $100 each to make $1000 available each month to fund awesomeness. Since 2014 the Adelaide chapter has given more than $80,000 to changemakers, creatives, community organisations and individuals who want to make a difference (even if it is just to bring joy to a group of people).

Let us know what you are planning, why it's awesome and how you plan to spend the money. This grant process is designed to be as simple as possible and there are no strings attached to receiving funding. Applications for metropolitan Adelaide and surrounds are preferred, though grants have been awarded for regional projects. 

To find out more and apply, view the website HERE


City of Adelaide Grants

Arts & Cultural Grants and Cultural Strategic Partnerships support eligible individuals and organisations to deliver creative arts and cultural projects that enable Adelaide's vision for a Creative City and contribute to the delivery of City of Adelaide's Strategic Plan.

There are heaps of grants to check out HERE!


City of Charles Sturt Grants

The City of Charles Sturt are proud to support the showcasing of international, national and local arts talent in their community. This year they are offering grants for SA-based Adelaide Fringe Artists and Producers with new shows that are set to take place within the council area during the Fringe:

  • Live and Local grants (apply for up to $4000 for eligible live music projects)
  • Arts fund grants (apply for up to $5000 for eligible visual arts, performing arts, moving image, creative writing, and design projects )
  • Neighbourhood projects (apply for up to $2000 for eligible small-scale projects that collaborate, improve, and connect people to their street, public spaces, and neighbourhood)
  • Changemaker program for 12–25-year-olds (apply for up to $1000 for eligible small sale projects that can make a positive difference to your community)

Want to check out the venues registered in City of Charles Sturt? Use our Venue Finder HERE.


Department of Premier and Cabinet 

Arts South Australia connects the arts and culture sector in South Australia with financial support for a range of activities.

Below are a list of some of the grants on offer - with multiple rounds throughout the year.

For a full list of opportunties, click HERE!

  • Projects - Independant Artists and Groups

This grant supports the development, production and presentation of new works by independent artists and groups across all art forms. Development of new work might involve periods in the studio or rehearsal room or working with other artists. 

The current round opens on the 20th of December, and closes on the 5th of February 2024 at 5pm 

Grant amount can vary - It is to be discussed with a Grants officer. For more information about this grant offer, and to apply click HERE!

  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Grants - Projects

This grant supports the creative development, production and presentation of new work. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individual artists and arts and cultural workers, groups and arts and cultural organisations can apply for projects across all art forms.

The current round opens on the 20th of May 2024, and closes on the 1st of July 2024 at 5pm.

Grants up to $25,000 - Apply HERE!

  • Professional Development 

This grant supports the professional development of individual, independent artists and arts workers to undertake skills development and training that is relevant to their arts practice or professional practice. 

The current round opens on the 20th of May 2024, and closes on the 1st of July 2024 at 5pm.

Grants of up to $15,000 are available, to learn more and apply click HERE!

  • Market Development

This grant supports artists and organisations to build a national and international profile through the development of relationships, networks and market opportunities. The category covers all art forms and the activity must benefit South Australian artists.

The current round opens on the 20th of May 2024, and closes on the 1st of July 2024 at 5pm. 

Grants of up to $15,000 are available, to learn more and apply click HERE! 


Helpmann Grants and Fellowships

Helpmann Elevate Mentorships

The Elevate Mentorship Program is a valuable way to build on an emerging career by providing knowledge and experience beyond study, at a point of transition and exploration. This can take the form of creative development or business/entrepreneurial acumen. For graduates from eligible programs

Applications for 2023 (for activity in 2024) have closed. For more information about their 2023 Program, click HERE.

Helpmann Creative Boost & Creative Development Grants 2024

Helpmann Creative Boost Grants support creatives with grants of up to $500 to provide emerging creatives with a quick boost of cash. Funds enable eligible emerging creatives to purchase essential services and materials or pay immediate costs, develop small projects, build digital skills, develop their audience, and support them to continue their creative practice.

Alternatively, Creative Development Grants and HA>NESS Development Grants support eligible emerging creatives with grants of up to $3,000 to kickstart new projects, research and develop ideas/new works or build skills, markets, and creative practices.

Grant key dates coming soon. Watch this space for more information.

Support Act Crisis Relief Grant

Crisis Relief Grants and support are available to musicians, managers, crew and music workers across all genres experiencing financial hardship as the result of illness, injury, mental health, older age or another current crisis that is impacting their ability to work in music. 

Grants are assessed for a current issue impacting ability to work in music and, if approved, will be provided through direct payment of bills or other personal expenses related to the crisis, rather than cash grants. Evidence of a current crisis will be required.

For more eligibility  information and to apply, view the Support Act Page here


Nexus Arts 40 for 40

40 for 40 is a quick response grant, managed by Nexus Arts, and provided for South Australian artists from First Nations or culturally and racially marginalised or culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It enables them to apply for up to $1000 each for the purposes of creation, presentation, and development. This could include mentorship opportunities, attendance at key events, presentation outcomes, and new work creation.

Find out more and apply here.


Last updated: 16/08/2024

Ari Arari. Photo: Madison Griffiths, 2023.