
Communicating Important Information

Not all shows are built the same and sometimes we need to communicate important information about our event to potential or existing ticket holders. What are the best ways to go about this and what can we do to help?


What Adelaide Fringe can and can't do:

Due to a crackdown of ISPs on spam in 2025, Adelaide Fringe is unable to perform mail outs on your behalf, with the exception of major show changes or cancellations.

This means it is more important than ever to get important information, questions or contact details in your show listing prior to your event going on sale!

We've tailored our prompts in AVR from Content Warnings to Latecomer Policies to Meal & Show Dietaries and contacts, so that you should be able to add in EVERYTHING you need into your show listing. 


Confirmation and Reminder Emails

If the content is relevant and neccessary to the logistical success of your event we may be able to add your information to either your event's Booking Confirmation Email, the email each customer receives upon purchasing their ticket or Show Reminder Email, the email each ticket holder receives 24 hours before the performance start time.

An example may be an show specific map, parking instructions, group or party instructions, or in some cases table seating arrangements.


How to use AVR to your advantage!

Show Listings and Web Content Copy

This is the copy that will be displayed on your show listing on FringeTIX. This is the best place to describe and sell your event.  Adelaide Fringe is unable to notify your ticket buyers of any changes to your web content copy if you change it.
We may make some suggestions during our process of building your show in our system. Because we have so many different shows, all with different audiences, we need to make sure the written and visual content across our website and guide is suitable for all ages, is easy to navigate and is consistent from show to show. As the publisher, we reserve the right to edit the content of your show listing(s). If major edits or changes are required we will work closely with you in suggesting acceptable alternatives.

Important Additional Information

An optional section for information you need patrons to know in order to take part in your show.

An example if someone needs to bring something along to the show (like a picnic blanket!)

Show Ticketing Notices (for audience eyes and our customisation only)

Rest assured there's a spot to flag major changes outside of a mail out. If your event has a major change  like a time or date change, line up change or even a performance cancellation, our team will add this here and it will appear on your show listing just above your performance times.


Meal & Show events!

Important Food and Drink Information

Rather than have to contact customers again or worry about collecting information retrospectively, plan for all outcomes ahead of time.

Some considerations: 

Do your dining guests have to arrive earlier than the advertised start time?
Do you have seating options or table preferences for dining?
Can you offer specific dietary options like FODMAP, VEGAN or GLUTEN FREE?

Then add this in by clicking TICKETING SUMMARY, then clicking YES to Food and Drink and entering your details in the field below.

Collecting dietaries, meal requests or table arrangements is up to you! You can upload your menu and enter your contact details for Food & Drink enquiries at registration.

Latecomer Policy

Are you running an exhibition, an interractive experience where ticket holders can come and go? Or are you running an immersive theatre experience with a hard lockout and no latecomers permitted.

Use this section to communicate your show's preference and requirements.