Find our 2025 Theatre & Physical Theatre Passion Pitches listed below in the order presented. Find out more about each show by clicking the links - these will take you directly to their Show Finder listing.
- An Incomplete Encyclopedia of Hugs
- Antonio!
- Becoming Benno
- Black Girl Rising
- Bonding
- Burn it.
- Confessions of a Boba Liberalist
- En Haut (Up Up Up Up Up)
- Gus the Frog Spits Bars (one man's response to existential dread)
- I Wanna Be Mark Wahlberg
- In Motion
- Lady Macbeth Played Wing Defence
- Little Boxes
- Lost Property
- Margret, You're A Virgin!
- One Of These Things First
- Plenty of Fish in the Sea
- prometheus.
- Smile: The Story of Charlie Chaplin
- Tales from the other side
- The Good Decisions Project
- The Platypus by Francis Greenslade
- The Routine
- Trawled - when adventure becomes survival
- TRIAL BY MONKEY: the gameshow
- Upside Down Fantasyland
- Why English? - Layers beneath the language!
- You Can Do It! (Follow Your Dreams)