
Passion Pitch is an opportunity for artists to pitch their work virtually to Honey Pot delegates. 

Think of it as a pre-recorded elevator pitch. Honey Pot artists can choose to provide a 90 second video pitching their work. Compliled by genre specific videos and housed on the Honey Pot landing page on AVR for delegates to review in the lead up and during the festival.


Key Dates for Passion Pitch Submissions

1 November 2024 - You can start sending us your videos for compilation from this date

24 January 2025 - Deadline to submit your Passion Pitch video for compilation

Don't worry if you miss the deadline for the compilation you can still host your Passion Pitch video on your Show Finder profile page


Your Passion Pitch

Make it short, sharp and shiny. This is an opportunity for delegates to see the face(s) behind the show, they want to see your personality and passion for the project. You know it’s worth but do they?

Things to include in your 90 second video

  • Who you are? (your name and company)
  • What your show is about? (show name and brief description)
  • Why is this work important to you and your artistic practice? and why delegates should see it (talk to the value of your work)
  • What opportunities you are looking for? (touring regional/national/international, a producer, industry advice and support etc.)
  • A short promo video or image(s) (optional)

The total pitch length including any promotional videos or images must not exceed 90 seconds. We will include links to your Event Finder profile in the video description so delegates can easily discover more about your event.

Please note: Pitches should be filmed in landscape


Top tips to create your pitch

  • Don’t rush and speak clearly, this demonstrates confidence and competency.
  • Script it out
    1. Write down all your ideas
    2. Remove unnecessary details (sharpen your sentences into quick, powerful points)
    3. Review and ask, have I hit all the key points?
    4. Polish and practice your speech (Try practicing on a friend who doesn’t know your show)
  • 90 seconds is actually a long time. Being able to hit key points and capture the essence of your show in this way will also make your life easier when attending HIVE’s.

Want to see what Passion Pitches look like? Check out our YouTube page of 2024's Passion Pitches HERE

Please note: Pitches come in varying styles and quality. From those recorded on a phone in the bedroom to edited and scripted multi media pieces - Make and deliver what ever you feel comfortable doing. Just make it succinct and passionate.


Submit your pitch

Please email with a link to your downloadable file (MP4, MOV). These will be complied into genre specific videos and available to the delegates the following week.


Want to find out more, contact the Honey Pot team. We are here to help you put your best foot forward so reach out at any time. 


Image: Frankenstein - How to make a monster: Aminita Photo: Tony Lewis, Adelaide Fringe 2020.

Image Description: Performer in a grey hoodie holding a microphone and iphone taking a selfie.