
Promo codes are a great way to offer ticket buyers an incentive to book tickets to your show. Use our guide below to find out how to set them up.

Table of Contents

What are Promo Codes?

Promo codes are a great way to offer ticket buyers an incentive to book tickets to your show. It involves our FringeTIX team setting up a Promo Code, (up to 15 characters) to apply a discount to your Full Price tickets which customers apply at the time of purchase.

Promo codes work best when you get them out there! So if you're wanting to set one up for your Fringe event, think about how you can advertise your promo code. If you've had a Fringe event before, you might be able to reach out to your existing audiences by generating a 'Customer Email Export by Company' report. You can find more info about it here.

Setting Up Promo Codes

During Event Registration

As of Adelaide Fringe 2024, you can set up Promo Codes for your event during Registration!

In the Ticketing section of your registration, when setting up a new Pricing Group, first select the type of session group that you would like to apply.

After adding your main ticket type price for this Pricing group, click "Add More Prices / Discounts"

You can add up to 3 Promo Codes as part of your registration.

Select as many other ticket options as you want and click "Done"

Add your Promo Code: Price, Code and Ticket Cap per session (if left blank, no limit will apply)

Save your Prices and add them to relevant sessions of your event.

After Event Registration

If you want to add a Promo Code to your event after Event Registration it will need to be built manually in the ticketing system by our FringeTIX team. You will need to request this by getting in touch via email at with the following information:

  • Your event & venue name
  • Promo code word (max 15 characters)
  • Discount amount (applies to Full Price tickets only)
  • Date & time of the show/s you wish to apply it to
  • Number of tickets available to purchase (if you wish to set a limit)
  • Start date/exipration date of promo (if time restricted)

Get ahead!

Don’t forget, promo codes are built manually by our team so we highly recommend requesting promo codes in advance! It’s always a great idea to have them ready to go well before you need them.

Promo Ticket Reports

A great feature for the reporting suite is the ability to pull a report that will show your unique promo code/s.

1.  The first step is to log into your Manage My Tix portal 

Your login details can be found on your dashboard on the 'My Festivals' tab here in AVR. If you cannot find your login details or are having trouble logging in, please email

2.  In the left-hand bar select 'New Report'

3.  Choose your report type. You will need to select either 'Promo Code Concessions' or 'Promo Code Ticket Offers'. Refer to your email from ticketing for which report you will need to pull or you can try both.

4. Once you select the type of report you would like to run, report parameters will appear. If you leave all the filters as is, this will provide you with information about all your events and all your Promo Codes. Then go to Step 5. 


You can define a report exactly to your specification with regards to the:

  • Season (leave as 'Active Sessions')

  • Venue (leave as --ANY--)

  • Sub venue (leave as --ANY--)
  • Event (type the event name in. You will then be able to select the location if the event is being presented in more than one venue) 

  • Performance start/end date (more than one performance can be selected. Leave as --ANY-- if you would like to run the report for an entire season)

  • Transaction start/end date (leave as --ANY-)
  • Promoter/Company/Organisation (leave as --ANY--)

  • Concession (leave as --ANY--) *unless you wanted to filter by ticket type
  • Promotion (leave as --ANY--) 
  • Promo code (leave as --ANY--) *unless you want to filter by one Promo Code type only

Leave all other filters as they are. 

5. Scroll down to 'Report Format'. Select 'Comma Separated Values'. Then select 'Generate report'.


6. Your report will download: Open. 

If your report appears blank you have either set too many parameters or your Promo Code has not been used yet (you have not sold tickets with it being applied).

If you need any support please contact


Image: In conversation with.... Photo: Fumika Takagi, 2021

Image Description: Two performers are sitting on brown armcharis on a stage in front of a red velvet curtain. One performer is wearing a bright blue dress, the other is wearing a greay suit. There is a large floor lamp between them with a red decorative lampshade.