This is speed dating for artists! Attending industry delegates from around the world host a table, our artists move around delegate tables to have informal conversations – giving everyone a chance to talk. Different industry delegates take part each week as they come and go through the month. Honey Pot tour ready and programmable artists are invited to attend - prepared and ready to discuss possible future opportunities and programming alignments with delegates that have an interest in similar types of work. This is the first point of contact and communication for many.
HIVES run every Friday of the festival excluding opening weekend. They are held in the Adelaide Convention Centre - a custom built venue that has space and infastructure to facilitate these industry focused events. HIVE runs for 90 minutes - 1.30pm – 3pm, with an informal drinks breakout at the end for 60 minutes. Registration for each HIVE is through HIVE Zone in 'My Honey Pot' in AVR for events registered with Honey Pot only.
HIVE Zone can be found on the Honey Pot dashboard (alongside Delegate & Show Finder) in AVR. Introduced in 2021 it is designed to display all confirmed attending delegates and artists at each HIVE. Linking to delegate profles and event profiles it aims to encourage research and prep and better prepare for face to face meetings during each HIVE.
The HIVE is not a pitching event and should not be approached with a hard sell and expectations to secure a booking immediately off the back of a conversation. Think of it more as a way to introduce yourself, make a new acquaintance and learn more about each other… Who knows what outcomes may result from a conversation going forward. Be clear about what your expectations are before the event.
It is important to be prepared and ready before a HIVE and here are a few key tips:
- Delegate Finder – This resource should be your first point of call when researching. Everything you need to know about each delegate can be found online in the Delegate Finder (available late-Jan). Find out how to approach this resource HERE.
- Research & Make Notes – Identify who is a possible match to your show and answer why your show is something they could be interested in? Working out which presenters really are compatible with your work will save you time in the long run and help you avoid conversations that will go nowhere.
- ‘Ready to Go’ – are you sure? – is your work absolutely good to go and ready to be programmed outside of Fringe? Or would it benefit from just a little more development.
- Identify Delegates in advance of a HIVE – A list of delegates who have signed up to take part in the weekly HIVE will start appearing once we open HIVE Zone up – click on their links, learn who they are and identify who you should talk to.
- Make Contact – Open up communications for follow up meetings – perhaps a one-on-one meeting at a later date if you are unable to sit down with them during a HIVE.
- Passionate vs Pushy - Be Passionate about your work – It is infectious, passion is a quality that speaks to us all.
- Don’t sit with everyone – Chances are there may be only a few delegates that will align to your show. It’s okay to only have one or two good conversations – don’t worry.
REMEMBER – The HIVE is not where you are going to negotiate your next deal, but it could be the start of something beautiful!
Image credit: HoneyPot HIVE at Masonic Lodge | Photo by: Chloe Elizabeth
Photo description: Honey Pot Artists and Industry Delegates networking and pitching their events in small groups.