
What is the Family and Friends Database? 

The Family and Friends Database is a curated collection of individuals who are supportive, enthusiastic, and friendly audience members. These cherished connections serve as invaluable allies, gracing your audience with their presence, enthusiastically endorsing your show, and extending recommendations to their networks if captivated by the experience.

These are papering tickets but they do not incur the 30-cent comp ticket fee. This initiative proves particularly advantageous for events seeking to establish their presence in Adelaide, fostering a supportive community eager to contribute to audience growth.

FringeTix will email patrons on the database daily with a list of events that have opted in for that and the following day.

How do I be part of the Family and Friends Database?

If you would like to opt into giving some tickets to the database please:


Email Subject Title: Family and Friends Data Base (please know that if you do not give your email this title, we may miss it amongst the hundreds of incoming emails each day. This title will help us filter it, and add it to the system correctly).

Information Needed: 

Your event name:

Event Link:

Dates you would like the tickets available for:

Amount of tickets you would like to allocate:

Remember that in Peak Fringe the ticketing team works to a 48-hour turnaround and that last-minute requests may not always be able to be facilitated.