
What is Honey Pot?

Honey Pot is Adelaide Fringe’s International Arts Marketplace. Industry delegates from around the world attend the festival to see events and meet artists to discuss future bookings and onward opportunities. Artists who present shows in Adelaide Fringe can extend the lifecycle of their show and secure onward bookings and programming across the globe by opting into the Honey Pot program.

Honey Pot also utilises digital components of AVR and present ‘Virtual Delegates’ to artists – keeping our wider international industry connected to all the great events registered for Fringe.


Who's in the Pot?

Independent to established artists, producers, companies, and artist management make up the Honey Pot Marketplace. Our program is inclusive for first timers, through to established producers ready to connect to the world stage.

  • It is for Artists and Producers that want to present work during Fringe to secure future bookings and extend the life cycle of their work(s)
  • It is for Presenters and Programmers seeking work presented at Fringe to buy and program
  • New collaborations, works, partners and opportunities are all possible through Honey Pot


How do you opt into Honey Pot?

The process is simple! Select your ‘My Festival’ page from the left land menu here in AVR > then select your registered show > on your show page, click the white ‘Opportunities’ tab at the top of the page > then click ‘Apply’ to Honey Pot and fill in your show details to build a Show Finder profile.


Ticketing and Reports:

By opting into the Honey Pot program you allow the marketplace team to allocate between 10 - 30 tickets for industry across your season (you decide how many during opt in). These tickets are available only to Honey Pot industry delegates with the ability to program or offer opportunities to artists. We value artists and understand you are taking the financial risk on presenting your work. With this in mind we have a responsibility to be considerate about the complimentary tickets we process.

Honey Pot delegates that book industry comps will appear in your show report. See who has booked to attend your show and follow up with them afterwards. Information on how to pull reports can be found HERE.

Please note: Honey Pot tickets are only withdrawn from your allocation once booked and confirmed. If you are sold out a Honey Pot delegate will not be able to request a ticket to your show.


Industry Program:

Over the Fringe season and now year round both FringeWORKS and Honey Pot program various professional development panels and information sessions open to ALL artists (see Professional Development Series HERE). However, you can access exclusive events by opting into Honey Pot with a registered show.

  • Producer Support Group (Producer led group conversations and engagement)
  • Honey Pot Connects (In formal networking between Delegates, Artists and afliliated organisations or events)
  • HIVE (In Person rotating networking and pitching meetings)


Resources and Opportunities:

We also provide ALL Honey Pot artists vital resources and exposure to industry delegates.

  • Delegate Finder - Access to hundreds of industry delegates and the opportunity to start conversations, invite them to your show and develop new connections. 
  • Show Finder Listing – All registered Honey Pot events will be included in the Show Finder. This resource is utilised by delegates to get an overview of your show requirements and how your work can be presented for touring.
  • Ticket management – No need to worry about door lists. We allocate tickets to industry delegates and provide access to clear reports on who attended your show.
  • Dedicated support – The friendly and approachable marketplace team is on hand to guide and navigate your Honey Pot journey.
  • Professional Development – Get the opportunity to hear more about your craft, absorb ideas and learn from the best in the industry.
  • HIVE – Engage directly with Industry delegates and discuss further programming in an informal speed dating style pitching environment.
  • Exclusive Honey Pot Events - Networking and social events which see artists and delegates meet in a friendly and approachable environment.
  • Passion Pitch - Honey Pot artists can choose to provide a 90 second video pitching their work. Compliled by genre, these pitches live on AVR for delegates to review in the lead up and during the festival.

For further information on Honey Pot as a Fringe Artist please contact the Marketplace Team via email at



Image credit: Honey Pot HIVE at Queen's Theatre, 2021 | Photo by: Chloe Elizabeth

Photo description: A delegate in a hat with a colorful patterned shirt sat next to his colleague, also wearing a colourful patterned shirt talk to two artists.